Storage and Potatoes

This month has been another slow one but I've added a few important things. Firstly is storage zones, these are areas where any type of item can be stored in the open. The AI will automatically pick up any items not in a storage area and move them into it. There's a few things to iron out with this but overall it's working well.


I'm still deciding, but most likely these storage areas will be pre-cursors to chests which will come later in the game. I've already implemented these chests just to make life easier as I'm developing, which probably hints that they will be needed in the later game when there are lot more items. The only thing I disklike about them is that they hide all the items away - so I might have to think about this a bit more. The storage tab will ultimately list where every item you have is stored though so hopefully this will make up for this.


The other exciting thing I've implemented is a new crop - the potato! Up until now the only crop in the game was the turnip but there are now two. A lot of the code was previously hard coded to the turnip so this has now made way to making it a lot easier to add a ton of new crops. Again, there's a still a little bit more work to do here as all crops currently have the same growth rate - but this should be minor work.


Next month I'm going to try and focus a bit more on the AI. At the moment there is only one AI and I think adding another will break a lot of stuff, so that's where I'm going to try and focus next. This also leads on to managing jobs for which there is a UI of sorts but no implementation.